Applying Successfully for Jobs in Academia (K02-08)
Verfügbarkeit - auf Warteliste
The rules and requirements for job applications in academia are different from those in other fields. How should application documents look like? Which key skills acquired during dissertation or early postdoc years should be highlighted? How do I prepare for and present myself during the interview and which type of questions should I expect? At the beginning, the seminar will mainly focus on the period prior to the job interview. Participants will identify which postdoc formats (e.g., research assistant, junior professorship) might be suitable for them and their career aspiration. Additionally, participants will learn about the requirements for a full academic profile and analyze the current state of their own profile. Moreover, they learn the specifics about the written application (e.g., cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, research & teaching profile) and how to present their academic profile. Subsequently, the seminar will concentrate on the job interview and the academic job talk. Participants will learn how to prepare optimally for the interview or the oral presentation.
Please note: The workshop will focus on the German academic system. The workshop will not include applications for grants or stipends.
If desired, individual 20-minute consultations will be offered within 14 days of the workshop. Participants have the opportunity to get feedback on their application documents or to reflect on their academic profile in order to derive next steps in their career development.
Datum | Zeit | Straße | Ort |
Di. 24.09.2024 | 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr | PC oder Tablet mit Internetzugang | Digital |
Mi. 25.09.2024 | 09:00 - 15:00 Uhr | PC oder Tablet mit Internetzugang | Digital |
PC oder Tablet mit Internetzugang
Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt
Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt ist Diplompsychologin und war viele Jahre als Wissenschaftlerin tätig. Ihre Schwerpunkte als Trainerin, Coach und Dozentin liegen in der Karriereplanung und Karriereentwicklung von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern, dem Bewerben auf Professuren, dem Umgang mit Konflikten in Forschungsteams sowie der Führung und Arbeitseffizienz im Wissenschaftskontext.
Dr. Dieta Kuchenbrandt is a psychologist and has worked for many years as a researcher at the universities of Greifswald, Bielefeld and Osnabrück. As a trainer and coach, she focuses on career planning and career development for scientists, on applications for professorships, on conflict management as well as on leadership in academia.
Doctoral researchers and Postdocs