Changing Course: Insights on Transitioning Away from Academia (K02-32)
Verfügbarkeit - Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden
Eventually, many academics face this possibility: leaving, quitting academia. Often, it is a decision fraught with much emotion, perceived as a threat to our identity, to our sense of self and pride. The uncertainty of our prospects in the outside world also fuels fears and doubt.
In this talk we will introduce some helpful strategies in transitioning away from academia and dispel some common misconceptions and biases.
Among other things, we will discuss:
- The importance of movement and expanding your context.
- Understanding your leverage and the role of luck.
- The primacy of soft over hard skills: communication and empathy.
- Initiative: finding the right balance.
- Incentives and constraints: academia vs industry.
- Identity threat: who will you be moving forward?
Datum | Zeit | Straße | Ort |
Do. 17.10.2024 | 11:30 - 13:00 Uhr | PC oder Tablet mit Internetzugang | Digital |
PC oder Tablet mit Internetzugang
Dr. Vicent Botella-Soler
Vicent has been a PhD student (Physics), a Postdoc (Computational neuroscience), a Machine-Learning consultant for tech startups, a R&D manager for a data company. With extensive international experience both in research and in industry, he now works as a freelance consultant and author, helping academics and industry professionals snap out of cognitive traps and long-held beliefs hindering their development.
Doctoral researchers and Postdocs