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First Audition? How to Apply for Full Professorships (K02-07)
Do. 05.09.2024 - Fr. 06.09.2024
Dieta Kuchenbrandt
Duration: 3,25 h
The aim of the webcast is to provide participants with detailed information about all phases of the appointment procedure for professorships (focus Germany), and to give them concrete advice and tips for their applications. The webcast will first deal with the procedure and the formal aspects of the appointment process. Afterwards, all necessary application documents (especially CV, cover letter, research and teaching concept) will be discussed in detail and partly illustrated with sample materials. The third part addresses all aspects of the hearing. Participants will learn about the requirements for the application talk and the demonstration lecture. In addition, the most frequently asked questions in the interview with the selection committee will be discussed. Participants will receive a Vimeo link (plus password) that allows them to stream the video on demand. The video is available for three weeks.
Tasks for preparing the small group meeting
Watching the webcast, Preparation of a 3-minute talk to present the own profile (introductory part of the application talk)
Small group sessions (6 participants each)
Planned duration: 6 h each (including breaks)
In the group sessions, there is first of all the opportunity to clarify all the participants' open questions about applying for professorships (approx. 1 h). Subsequently, it is planned that all participants will give their prepared 3-minute presentation to present their own profile (introductory part of the scientific talk) and receive feedback from the participants and the trainer (approx. 1.75 h). Finally, the interview with the committee will be discussed. Here the participants will practice to answer some typical and challenging questions from committee interview and will also receive feedback (approx. 1.75 h). The group sessions will take place via zoom.
Mental Clarity & Decision Making (K02-28)
Di. 17.09.2024
Vicent Botella-Soler
How do we create the mental clarity to make big decisions when academia leaves us with so little time or energy and very few resources to cope? Often, we are left trying to make life changing decisions from a place of self-doubt, emotional reactiveness, and exhaustion.
In this workshop, we explore the factors that impact on how we think and make decisions. We work on how our cognitive biases, cognitive fatigue, short-term emotion, mindset and other thinking patterns play in how we evaluate situations and available options. We also explore the forces that keep us from making decisions: the worry, the overwhelm, the self-critical inner voices that make you think you do not belong, you can’t do it, and you shouldn’t apply yet. We discuss and study our assumptions about uncertainty and control. And we put in practice concrete strategies to improve our decision-making and compensate for some of the most common cognitive traps.
This course can be credited to "Learn to Lead - Mindset Leadership" in the competency area Leading Yourself and in the certificate "Research and Higher Education Management" in the area Up, Side, Down.
Mitarbeitende diversitätsgerecht und gesund führen (F02-05)
Mo. 30.09.2024 - Di. 01.10.2024
Die Mitarbeitenden der UHH sind sehr vielfältig, in der Wissenschaft wie in der Verwaltung. Das stellt Führungskräfte vor Herausforderungen. Wie gelingt es, allen Mitarbeitenden gerecht zu werden und auch selbst gesund zu bleiben? In diesem Modul erfahren Sie, wie Sie in Ihrem Führungsstil auf die Vielfältigkeit der Personen eingehen können, um chancengerechte Personalentscheidungen zu treffen und das Entwicklungspotenzial Ihrer Mitarbeitenden zu unterstützen. Dabei geht es um alle Dimensionen von Diversität, Vereinbarkeit und Gesundheit. Neben theoretischen Inputs, u.a. zu Unconscious Biases und Impulsen für die Selbstreflexion, lernen Sie auch die internen Beratungsangebote kennen, die Ihnen unterstützend zur Seite stehen. Im gemeinsamen Austausch mit den Trainer:innen und den anderen Führungskräften entwickeln Sie Lösungswege für aktuelle Herausforderungen in Ihrem Führungsalltag.
Diese Veranstaltung ist eine Kooperation der Personalentwicklung mit der Stabsstelle Gleichstellung und dem Beratungszentrum für Gesundheit und Zusammenarbeit.
Trainer:innen sind Stab G, BGZ und Franziska Nitsche.